Friday, March 16, 2012

All Is Well

Thought I would give all our friends a new update about how the family is doing.  Things continue to be amazing for our family.  Everyone is healthy, the kids are doing great, the bills are paid.  What more could I ask for. 

It has been a lot of fun lately with Andrew as he learns English and is able to communicate more stuff.  It is scary/exciting and strange to hear about his life in China and things he has been through.  Sometimes it seems like he has always been with us and then he will share about something he did in China or some messed up circumstance he had and we are reminded that he comes with a past and 11 years of life.  In our discussions he makes a clear distinction between the person he was in China and the person he is here.  Since getting here he has become a Christian and decided he doesn't want to follow the path he was on in China.  It turns out, as we had surmised, he wasn't a really nice boy in China.  He was only interested in himself and didn't have a lot of guidance on how to be a great guy...China standards of a good man and Bible standards are somewhat different.  Anyway it is really exciting to see him genuinely want to leave behind the things he knows were wrong in China.  My wife and I pray all the time that he will continue to embrace the new man he is.  We are so blessed by him. 

Ethan continues to do well in school.  He got a math award and a reading award.  NERD!!!  He is much smarter than I ever was (good thing) and he is an incredibly sensitive kid.  He cares for others and has such an amazing attitude toward people!  He is awesome.

Kayla is growing and is cute beyond words.  We are so blessed by her and cannot believe she is going to be in kindergarten this coming year!  How weird. 

Our family is doing great.  We just paid off our student loans and are completely debt free, except for the house of course.  Church is great and life is wonderful.  We hope all our friends are as blessed as we are.  God is powerfully at work and we are glad to be walking with him!

Look at those amazing kids...yes Andrew is getting buff, no he doesn't have a bowl cut anymore.  No Ethan is not that glowing white color in real life, yes he is skeleton skinny, Yes Kayla is that cute!

Here we are at the orchestra.  How uptown huh.  We are cultured low class here!!!

Andrew messing around in Target....would have been lookin good in the 30's

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