Saturday, April 21, 2012

Slip n Slide

Just wanted you all to have a peek into our fine day today.  We were slip and sliding!  We had a lot of fun.  Kids have never done this before so it was a new adventure.

Things continue to go well with our family.  We are so blessed by God.  Our children all get along well and never fight or argue.  They all listen well and work hard and love other people.  It has been ten months and one day since we met Andrew and life continues to be amazing. We will be going to see some specialists about his hands and feet at the end of this month and the beginning of next.  We are not sure what if any options are available or helpful but we would really like to find some sort of helpful insert for his shoes because his feet hurt whenever he runs...we will see what they say.  If they can't do anything we will look into getting custom made shoes..I am sure those aren't too expensive, right? hahhaha.  Andrew went to outdoor science camp for five days recently.  We were really worried and went back and forth whether to send him or not but decided to let him because he wanted to go.  It turned out ok even though we missed him sorely. 

Ethan placed second in an advanced math class competition.  We was pretty excited to do well.  And he just finished the Harry Potter series.  He is now hunting around for something new. 

Kayla is as cute as ever and is loving her life.  I am sure it is nice to be spoiled by her mother (haha ok by Daddy too)  She is learning to write and practicing "reading" all the time. 

Last week Haejin and I got to spend a couple of days just the two of us.  My mom, thanks mom, watched the kids and we were able to stay in our own home alone.  Those with kids know what a treat this is. 

Church is going well and we are really blessed to pastor the church God has given us.  We really enjoy all the people and are excited about the things we think God is going to do in the lives of our church members. 

We hope all our friends are blessed and enjoying life.  God is good.  Much Love.
Go Ethan!!!

 Nice action shot Andrew!

 Cutest slider ever!!! Kayla!

 Kids at the park...hmmm why isn't my wife ever at these adventures?  I'm gonna have to talk to her about that!

 Andrew headed off to outdoor science camp..cry :(
Slip n Slide!

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